Okay, reflections from Christmas. I enjoyed the comfort of Oyster Stew on Xmas Eve at my father's house. I'm also happy to report that both my girls tried some. Mackie drank the broth and did not attempt an oyster. Schuyler, however, attempted to eat the oyster although she made a terrible face and spit it out. She also enjoyed the broth. My kids will eat oyster stew, eventually = ) We ended the night with a few games of Pokino.
I LOVE that my kids are learning to play cards. They also were taught several new games at Aunt Mitch and Uncle Jim's. Schuyler is really into it playing war, memory, go fish, UNO, etc... I think I'll be able to make her into a pitch and cribbage player someday.
Not only did they enjoy cards on the farm, but also 4 wheeler rides and they even hooked up a sled to the 4 wheeler. Eli could be found climbing into the tractor and pretending to drive and jumping in the back of the truck.
Reflections of the kids...
Eli - almost 2, is 100% boy. Nothing is too tall to climb and the greater the challenge, the more likely he is to try. He is beginning potty training and has had nightly successes on the "big" potty. His new favorite toy is a motorcyle, which much to my dismay does not have an off or volume button. He calls it his "vroom, vroom". This is followed closely by his new workbench and 3 drills. I guess a man can never have enough drills! His favorite book is Brown Bear and he still must have his blanket for bed or nap.
Mack - age 4 1/2, is our "girly" girl. She loves all things beautiful. Pink is her favorite color. She loves her American Girl doll, Felicity, and enjoys dressing her in all the new doll clothes she got for xmas. She also is fascinated by Tinkerbell. Mack still speaks some "McKenzism" and we are often humored by her words. She can make her bed beautifully and is surprisingly very good at cleaning up. Her smile can melt us.
Schuyler - age 6 1/2, is our "sporty" girl. She is very gifted at writing stories and illustrating them. On occassion, she can be absentminded, but don't let this fool you. To this day, you can still constantly see those wheels turning, just as she did when she was a child with her serious face. Unfortunately, Santa didn't bring her 2 front teeth for xmas so she is still a toothless wonder. She is ready for sports to begin and has picked her favorite teams for the bowl games.
A couple snap shots from the holidays...