I have that feeling. The one where you know no-matter what you do, even if you stayed up all night, you wouldn't get everything done. I hate that feeling. Between my photography, my job, family needs and the approaching holidays - I'm struggling to find the balance. So, I'm trying to follow the advice I so often give to others, take it one day at a time and throw it up in God's hands. This too, shall pass.
On some other notes, last Saturday, we became the new owners of a Honda Pilot. It's used but new to us. It's the nicest car Mark or myself have ever owned!! Leather interior, sunroof and my very favorite feature.... heated seats!! Oh yeah! The kids love it and call it "the truck". Schuyler and Mack have been fighting over who gets to rider in the back.
Schuyler got a smaller cast on Monday. It allows her to bend her elbow. At first, she was unsure of the saw used to cut the cast off. But, after the technician showed that he could grab it while going, she was fine. In fact, she thought it tickled. Once the cast was off and they cleaned her arm they sent us for xrays. I saw the color drain from her face followed by the onset of yawns and I knew immediately what was happening b/c I get the same way. She said her tummy hurt and then gagged. She never got sick. They let her sit on my lap for xrays. Once back in the regular exam room and picking out stickers, she started to gain back some color and got most all back after laying down. The arm is healing well. Just as the Dr. said, new bone has began to grow and old bone that is connected is disintegrating. The body is so impressive. She picked yellow again and we hope to get it off completely after 3 weeks = )
Mack has been Miss helpful lately. Last week she cleaned the bathroom by herself. And when I say clean, I don't mean just picking up. She organized things that were out of place and found her water spray bottle and wipe the counter top and floor and folder the towels. It looked impressive. She tends to be an organized girl and I think her sister's untidy habits irritate her. Schuyler tends to be aloof and will leave things randomly in the house and often can not find things... for instance her dance shoes. Mack folds her clothes, puts them in her drawers and always knows where her dance shoes are.
Eli came down with pink eye on Sunday and went to the Dr. on Monday for a terrible cough. Ends up the E-man has croup! He has not slept for the past 2 nights which means mommy has not slept for the past 2 nights. Actually, the whole house seems to be coming down with the cold. UCK!!
Here are some snap shots from Halloween... I wish I would have had more time to capture them. Oh well...
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