My poor neglected blog! Sheesh. Where do I start? The girls have been attending Vacation Bible School at our church (VBS for short). They are having a BLAST. Tonight is the finale so we'll get to see them sing songs and watch a slide show of all the fun things they have been doing. Schuyler is in the same group as her best friend so it has been an extra special time for her. I was worried b/c they split apart the elementary students and pre-school students, meaning Mack wasn't with her sister. This actually worked well. The smaller worship area works better for the younger kids - they are not so overwhelmed and it's not near as loud. And, Mack has 2 of her friends from the Montessori. They are not in the same group but there groups rotate to the different activities together so she gets to be with them a lot.
Eli had his 18 month appt. As many of you are aware, he is not yet talking and has had some behaviorial issues which have concerned us. The doctor believes the behavior is a result of being "pre verbal" and once he starts talking the behavior will quite or at least decline. But, since he is not where other kids his age are, we are going through some screenings with him to rule things out. Lincoln Public schools will be coming to do an assesment and Mark and I are filling out a questionairre. Mark and I will complete this and our answers will be scored. Based on the score, we may need to have additional consultations or assesments done but will cross that bridge when/if necessary. Other than that, he is healthy, strong, active and tall! 90% for height, 40% for height.
A couple of weeks ago I got together with my good friend and fellow photographer, Holly. We attempted to get family pictures of the Riese's but some of the Riese kids did not feel the need to cooperate = ( We did enjoy the rest of the afternoon as mom's and kids went to the pool and dad's went for a round of golf! Here are a few from our session, all images courtesy of Holly Troxel Photography.
Eli had his 18 month appt. As many of you are aware, he is not yet talking and has had some behaviorial issues which have concerned us. The doctor believes the behavior is a result of being "pre verbal" and once he starts talking the behavior will quite or at least decline. But, since he is not where other kids his age are, we are going through some screenings with him to rule things out. Lincoln Public schools will be coming to do an assesment and Mark and I are filling out a questionairre. Mark and I will complete this and our answers will be scored. Based on the score, we may need to have additional consultations or assesments done but will cross that bridge when/if necessary. Other than that, he is healthy, strong, active and tall! 90% for height, 40% for height.
A couple of weeks ago I got together with my good friend and fellow photographer, Holly. We attempted to get family pictures of the Riese's but some of the Riese kids did not feel the need to cooperate = ( We did enjoy the rest of the afternoon as mom's and kids went to the pool and dad's went for a round of golf! Here are a few from our session, all images courtesy of Holly Troxel Photography.

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