Did ya'll have a good Halloween? I know our kids made out like bandits. I think we may decide to hide it all - out of site out of mind, or so we hope! We had a good Halloween. Grandma S and I took the kids to Vala's pumkin patch on Thursday. Wow! I can't believe how much there was to do! We started with the goats and the bunnies. There is a cute little sign that says something like, please do not cross - bunny homes only. Well, can you guess which of my children did not mind the sign. If you guessed Eli, you are correct. I turned to tell my mom something and glanced back and there he is, over the little fence peaking into the bunny house!! We walked through a house decorated as a spooky mine then off to pony rides - for all except Schuyler. She opted out b/c of her arm - can't blame the girl! This was Eli's first pony ride. It went around once and he said "done!". He actually made it the whole ride. So much else... train ride, jumping pillow, duck races, family go cart, play areas and it wouldn't be complete without the Hayrack ride, picking pumpkins, and treats at the end = ) Mom- I'm so glad you came with us = ) Only Schuyler stayed awake for the ride home!Halloween was a good time. Schuyler was a Husker cheerleader (with broken arm), Mack was a lion, and Eli was a giraffe! We started great grandma's nursing home. Honestly, there buckets were full from that. We came home ate and got ready again...well the girls did. Eli did NOT want to put the costume back instead choosing to put in the living room. So, Mark took the girls and Eli and I handed out candy.
Some of you may know we were actually supposed to be in KC this weekend to purchase a new vehicle. Well, long story short, they accidentally sold our car. So, we're back to square one. On a bright note, we have ourselves a new computer... an IMac! I love it and I haven't even turned it on. The beautiful 24 in screen and sleek looks!!
Didn't want Schuyler to be left out of the fun. Here she is in all her toothless glory!

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