This past week has been filled with the usual ups and downs! It started with a productive weekend... Mark steam cleaning carpets, a trip to the Children's Musueum for me and the kids, 7-8 bags of mulched leaves gathered and I even got the exterior lights up. Then came Sunday evening and my throat was on FIRE. I chalked it up to my lingering cold and all the dust, etc... Monday, I had the nurse at work take a peak. Doesn't look like strep but it's very swollen. She says, if it persists see a Dr. I'm miserable... hurts to swallow and talk. Tuesday comes and I had to work. I do NOT feel well and finally break down and make a Dr. appt. Dr. takes a peak in my mouth and says, "Eeew, you have a swollen inflamed Uvula and some thing secondary as well". My first question is "What is my Uvula" and my second question "What does some thing secondary mean". Your Uvula is the thingy in the back of your mouth that hangs down, and, yes I have a form of strep. My prognosis - Uvulitis (use that in scrable and I'm sure you'll get many points) and Step throat.
Thanksgiving day was the first day I felt up to par. I could swallow with minimum pain. My Friday was not so lucky. I threw up 4 times in the a.m. as we were to be having Thanksgiving, at my house, at noon!! I'm pretty sure it was the orange juice on empty stomach in combination with drainage. Not fun!! I now have new meds, steroids, which should help. It's still to soon to tell.
So, to brighten up this post, here are just a few things I'm thankful for. My beautiful and wonderful kids who bring me more joy than I could have imagined. A husband who completely cleans the house and then cooks for his in-laws while his wife is puking and sacrifices the chance to see a friend he has not seen in at least 2 years. A good dog who tolerates sharing her domain with all her cousin dogs. Parents who help cook, watch the kids, etc... at the drop of a dime. Friends, on-line and in person, who are the most caring bunch!
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