Eli has learned his animal noises. My favorites are his neigh, meow, and roar! He also has a monkey toy that I'm sure came from a McDonald's happy meal. Anyway, if you shake the monkey, one of his sayings is "A ha!". Eli LOVES to imitate this and it's so very cute.
Schuyler lost yet another tooth last Monday. She just had a dentist appt where they said it would come out in another month or two. Seriously, she plays with her teeth that much! She pulled it out while in bed trying to fall asleep. Both girls came out with sheepish little grins on their face. Schuyler also got her cast of today! Woo hoo! She now has to where a splint for 2 weeks but only when at school and dance. The skin is discolored, which is normal. It still has a slight bend but that will correct itself in a year or so. Schuyler is SO excited to take a normal bath!
I have WAY to many pictures to go through from Thanksgiving but just wanted to share one of my SIL. If you have ever wondered what the pregnancy glow is, well just look below and you will see = ) Isn't she beautiful!
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