Do you remember this post? "Weekend Recap" Well, finally you can see some of the madness, LOL! Yes, those are my girls licking the cookie dough of their toes!! Fall brings out the "chef" in me. I think I mentioned the apple crisp. My baking streak also includes pumpkin cheese cake (out of a box), and a ginormous spaghetti pie. Last night I made homemade chicken fingers with butternut squash. Yummy!! I used a mixture of flour and corn meal with some seasoning.
I'm slowly recouping from this yucky cold and unfortunately have shared it with my husband. I'm hoping the girls don't get it. Mark was able to steam clean most of the carpeted areas in our home while my mom, the girls, and myself were in Omaha. The pics from my bro and sis-in-law's wedding are gorgeous. We did just a little shopping and I purchased a cute tutu skirt on sale and found a YELLOW leotard for Schuyler that she will get for xmas. Shhh - don't tell her. I exchanged a ledge at Pottery Barn and then we had lunch w/ Uncle B. I was exhausted when we got home. Dad offered to take the kids overnight which was awesome. I went to bed early and got some much needed rest.
The kids love pumpkins this time of year. They both do pumpkin scrubbing work at school. Sunday we let them paint our pumpkins and last night they cleaned out the "carving" pumpkin so we can carve it tonight and make pumpkin seeds. Yummmm!
I had a Dr. appt today. Baby and I are doing good. Heart Beat was 157 and he measures right on for Jan 8th. My blood pressure was 96 over 62 and weight is good so we'll go back in a month and after that appt I'll see him every 2 weeks. Can't get over how fast this has gone!!
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