Isn't she darling!! She was a busy little bee the day of the wedding but she sat with me for a few minutes eating her sugar cookie. Gosh, even remembering back those few weeks ago, I was so proud of how well behaved she was and what great manners she used. She really is turning into a big girl. Last Thursday, when I was feeling terrible and just lying on the floor as the girls watched a movie, she came over and was stroking my face and loving me up. She even said "I will take care of you until daddy comes home."
Last night was parent teacher conferences. Both girls are doing very well and are developmentally on track for their respective ages. It's good to know that Mack exhibits some of the same behaviors at school as she does at home. Some are good, some need to be worked on. They include: sometimes challenging adults, sitting frontwards and still at the dinner table, using walking feet instead of running feet, wanting to help both older and younger people. She will most likely move to the primary room where Schuyler is in December or January.
Schuyler has made great progress even since our last conference 6 months ago. She is almost completely finished with her sound book. She is working on the "teen board" learning both concrete and abstract math. She also exhibits behaviors at school similar to those we see at home. She is either hot or cold. Meaning, when she is interested in something she is very intent. On the opposite end, she is not a child that can be coerced into doing something which she is not interested in. I think this will be a challenge for her when she enters the public school system. Mark and I are in agreement that she will go to the Montessori for Kindergarten so this may change after another year.
We will probably get the girls a "special" treat tonight to celebrate. Charlie Brown's "The Great Pumpkin Patch" is on tonight so I'll see if the girls are interested.
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