of everything = 0 Isn't funny, how you can have all these toys and when it comes down to it, they want the same thing. Yellow is Schuyler's favorite color and 'lil Mack has either learned this to be her favorite color from her sister or it truly is her favorite color. We only have one yellow plastic fork. We only have one yellow kid's chair. Fortunately, we have 2 yellow plastic cups. And don't forget babies. There is a favorite baby doll in the house. It's not the prettiest, it wasn't the most expensive, but apparently it is the favorite out of the 7 or more dolls we have. There is one very similar to it, almost identical. I can't tell the difference but the girl's can. This can be so frustrating at times. Especially for our little spit-fire girl. But, at the same time, life is about sharing. So we deal with the headaches and trying times this can cause. Do you think a third child, a boy, will mean 3 of everything. I hope not = )
We had a good weekend. The girls had a great time at Schuyler's best friend's b-day party. They dressed up in their leotards and did gymnastics. I think the teacher was smitten by Mack b/c she was holding her hand and carrying her around. I'm sure 'lil Mack was turning on the charm. We had a lot of good family time too! We did discover that our teeny weeny shower holds 1 full size male, 1 expecting mama, and two little girls. Pretty hillarious! It started with Mack and I. Then Mack invited Dad. Well Schuyler wasn't going to miss out. It wasn't this way for long but it was pretty funny.
The funny comments of the week-
"I'm so dirty" - Mack
"For REAL. I do get my haircut" - Schuyler
9 months ago this was us at xmas. So fun to look back!
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