Mark and I celebrated our 6th anniversary! We both agree it feels like we have known each other our whole lives. There's probably not another soul who knows me as well yet have we really been married 6 years! The time has flown by. Papa took the girls overnight and we headed to Omaha. We ate at our fave restaurant, Charlie's. See, when we lived in our apartment and didn't have kids, Charlie's was within walking distance and we would head over and sit in the bar area and have appetizers and martini's (our fave is the "Millionaire"). So, when they closed their doors in Lincoln, we were bumbed! We should really venture out and try some new things b/c there is so much in Omaha, but we are yet to be disappointed by Charlie's.
Sunday, I got to sleep in until 8:30 a.m. I don't remember the last time that happened. I'm the morning bird and rise with the kiddos - typically between 6 and 7. The kids of course had a blast!! It was rainy in the afternoon and both kids took a nap. Afterwards, we made peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies. It was madness. How does a child get cookie dough on their toes! Not sure, but I turn around and here is Mackie with her toes in her mouth licking them off. Schuyler sees this, so of course monkey see, monkey do. And, what do I do? Grab the camera of course! LOL! I threw them both in the bath after everything had been licked dry = )
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