Meet Alex. One of my best friends just had twins 3 weeks ago today and this is her sweet, precious little boy, Alex. I got the priviledge of shooting them this weekend so there is sure to be more! All in all, it went well. Each child urinated once, Cori got the brundt on one and her robe got the other. We fit in some feedings, changed a diaper or two and shot some pics in between = )
We had some friends over for the Husker game on Saturday. This motivated both Mark and I to clean the house. (Mark did most of the labor). It looks fantastic. We'll see how long this will last. The game was rather dismal but the kids and adults enjoyed the company.
The time change is always hard for the kids. They were up at 5:00 a.m. on Sunday and today. I was able to get Schuyler back to sleep this a.m. but not little Mack. She will be tired by the end of the day. Sunday was a gorgeous day and we spent a chunk of the afternoon outdoors. Schuyler has been enjoying watching volleyball with her daddy. It's kind of their special activity. She must be catching on b/c she was trying to jump serve the ball. Pretty funny! She has also decided that her flower girl shoes make great tap shoes on our kitchen floor. As cute as this is, it's extremely loud. Mack is into leotards lately. I'm sure she gets the inspiration some what from her sister.
Oh, just one last funny story. Their is a toilet sitting in our garage for when we redo the main bathroom and get rid of our pale green 60's toilet. Mack had disappeared into our garage and I couldn't figure out what was taking her so long. I hear a little clunk and walk in to see Mack putting the toilet seat up with her pants and undies already down. As I'm telling her that this toilet doesn't work she has a little accident and in a small little voice says "I pottied". Bless her heart she was just trying to make it to the closest toilet. Ha!!
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