Here is Alex's little sister, only by a few mintues! This is Reagan. She is a doll! I absolutely love her name. Until we found out our little peanut was a boy, this is the name we were thinking of using for a girl. Great minds think a like = )
I hope everybody had a good Halloween! Our kiddos enjoyed trotting around the block in their Thomas costumes. Mack almost didn't make it trick-or-treating b/c she was refusing her costumre. Initially, Schuyler was going to be Thomas and Mack was going to be James the Red Engine. Well, she didn't like the costume and wouldn't put it on so I sent it back. She wanted to be Thomas like her sister. So, our neighbor gave us a sack full of costumes, one of which was Thomas. So, no sooner do I get her in her costume for a little photo shoot and snap 2 pictures, she is taking it off. "I don't like it" she says. I show her the other costumes and she says "NO" to all of them. She tells me she wants to wear her swimsuit! Here in NE it's not very warm, 30's. So, obviously that's not a feasible option. She proceeds to show her dramatic side by throwing a little fit and once she calms down, she decides to remain naked. Papa stopped over and with his help, a little coercing, and the mention of Thomas tatoos, we are able to get her dressed!
Anyone have big plans for the weekend? Mark and I are going to the football game with his dad and a couple of his dad's friends. I usually make it to one game a year so this will be it. Mark's mom will watch the girls. Schuyler has a play date with her best friend, which should give Gma and Mack some time to bond. Have a good one!
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