for a night of fun and total chaos! Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating. Hopefully, it will just be little chaos and not total chaos = ) For Schuyler's 6th bday, we are taking her and 3 of her friends (and her siblings, ofcourse) to and indoor playland called Lost in Fun. Afterwards, we're heading home for the sleepover! I'm excited, she's excited and I just pray that all goes well! Her chosen theme this year is soccer! So, I will be making a soccer ball cake for the family bday party and I saved myself some of the trouble and am having soccer cupcakes made for her friend bday party as well as her soccer team. She really wanted to have her bday party on the soccer field = )
This past week has been TV turn off week. It has been hardest on Mark! The kids are very strict! I attempted to turn on the TV one morning to see what the weather was going to be like but Schuyler would not allow it! "Mom, just put on your shoes and step outside. Then, you can see how many degrees it is." Isnt' she hillarious! I tried to explain that I still needed to know what the forecast for the rest of the day was, like 5 hours from then. Nope! Luckily, Mark had caught the evening news. We have played outside a lot, which is typical, but have also played more games, like dominos and matching games.
We are also making a conscious effort to recycle. Schuyler is very good about bringing home yogurt containers and fruit cup containers and both of the girls know where our recycle bin is in the garage. We are also going to try and bring a bag for grocery shopping and errands. As long as I can keep organized, I think it should be successful. Instead of taking Schuyler to dance on Tuesday, we rode our bikes. Well, I pulled Mack and Eli, and Schuyler rode beside me. Unfortunately, Mack lost another chunk of hair to her brother! He REALLY does NOT like bike rides!!
To my dear bday girl Schuyler, who LOVES the color yellow, this should be your theme song... "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine away..." or, however that song goes. It's so her!
Mackie is graduating from the tricycle to the little bicycle. But, not with out incident (as shown below). Oh, and how do you like the outfits! Yup, chosen by completely by themselves. Can you say colorful! Here's hoping we get rid of the 30 degree weather and welcome back the 60's!

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