Now, for the bad news. Yesterday, Mark was diagnosed with pneumonia. Yuck! Right now, we are treating him at home. He goes back in tomorrow and hopefully he will have made progress so he won't be hospitalized. It all happened very fast. He had a low grade fever on Monday but felt good enough to make it through the day. Tuesday, he still did not feel well and went into the Dr. before work. They told him it was the respitory flu and gave him cough medicing with codein. He continued to get worse and that's when he went to the Dr. yesterday. We are trying to mend him = )
As for other happenings, I took all 3 kiddos on a bike ride last Friday. Schuyler rode on her own and Eli and Mack were in the bike trailer. Eli is my only child who does NOT like bike rides? He fussed the whole time and managed to pull out a CHUNK of Mack's hair! He even had a ball, keys, and my cell to entertain him. I really feel for Mack sometimes, she get's bossed around by her big sis and bullied by her little brother. Definitely a middle child.
As for Eli, we are working on a few things with him. We stayed at Schuyler's dance the other day. Mack was an angel and was completely enthralled with watching them dance. Eli, well, shall we say he was not an angel. There was a little girl the exact same age and he purposely went up to her 3 times and pushed her down = ( I was even monitoring him! I know part of his behavior is due to his last molar coming in but we did have a little time-out session.
One other comment about little Ms. Mack. She has become very opionated about what is bootiful and what is not bootiful. It seems over half her wardrobe is unacceptable to her! Her concoction the other day was a dress, a skirt and leggings! I'm not sure how that passed as bootiful but at least she was dressed!
Tonight is conferences for the girls. I will try and remember to give an update next week. There is a possibility of snow tonight!! Seriously, when will spring be here for good!!!

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