Look at this little guy! He steals my heart at least once a day! Even when he's grumpy, has a fever, doesn't feel good, and is throwing a tantrum (yes, he does on occassion). Our Eli ... I love him to pieces! He started coming down with low grade fever, runny nose, watery eyes, a cough and not sleeping last week. I ended up taking him to the Dr. on Sunday - just b/c he was not doing well and with Mark's pneumonia, I wanted some reassurance. Luckily, it's a nasty cold! I did take him back to the Dr. on Wed for his 15m appt! He is a healthy little boy. Eli is "long and lean" in the words of our Dr. 90% for height and 40% for weight. The Dr. would like to see him start using more words, which I hope he will do soon. I think a lot of his outbursts; hitting, biting, throwing, etc.., are a result of not being able to communicate. 3-6 words is standard for his age and that's where Eli is at. Ma, Dad, and his most favorite, ball. Eli has been having some fun with his sisters' rain boots. They seem to make for great entertainment.
I was able to make the girls' school conferences last week. It just amazes me how much they are learning. Schuyler will be graduating from Kindergarten May 30th! To see where she started the school year and where she is ending is truly amazing. She read a 64 page book by herself last week. The pages had 4-9 sentences per page. Mr. Tim said it was very fitting as the story was about a little boy who kept trying to hit a baseball. Kind of like Schuyler who is a determined little girl intent on reading. Schuyler has evolved into one of the leaders of the community and is respected by all her classmates. She has socially evoloved as well. She is my child who has a small group of close friends and is very sensitive. Earlier in the school year, it would hurt her feelings if someone said something mean to her and would visibly effect her for the rest of the day. Now, she voices her feelings and is done with the situation. They keep journals at school and I got to read some of it. What a great memory this will be from her Kindergarten year. It is free form so the teacher's do little, if any, corrections. The top portion is a picture drawn by the child and the bottom is usually words to illustrate the picture.
McKenzie, too, is doing well. Being our social child, she is now less distracted by her friends and able to choose work independently and concentrate on it without disruptions, or disrupting others. Her writing skills are very good as this is something she enjoys and one of her strengths. She is able to write her name and has began to write colors. She is also enjoys the animal flash cards and creates books from these. Just the other day, she brought home a clam book, turtle book, and one other, all one's she made by coloring the body part, writing the body part, and stapling the whole thing together.
Mark is slowly but surely coming around. Last Friday, I joined him for his Dr. appt and he had only made slight improvements. His oxygen count on Wed had been 93%. If it had been 92% or below, he would have been hospitalized. Friday, it was 94%. During the weekend he seemed to be coming around so when he went to the Dr. on Monday he was expecting good results. He was still only 94% oxygen. They added yet another medication and he truly seems to be recovering. He is back at work and able to do mild housework/yardwork.
The rest of us managed to get yucky, coughs/colds but we are thankful it is not worse. After the rain we have been having, we are looking foward to a sunny, spring weekend = )
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