Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Friday the 13th!

Who said Friday the 13th was bad?! It's food day at work, jeans day, and pay day! And, I get date night with my husband, no kids!! We're going out to eat. Not sure where yet but I'm sure we'll find some place yummy!

Eli had his 6 month review with LPS. I was hoping he might be dismissed/discharged (not sure of the correct terminology) but it appears we will continue with meetings. It is truly amazing what he has achieved when we look back at notes from the beginning. He had approximately 5 words. He was frustrated and was banging his head on the floor (what ever the floor would be). Even just a month or 2 ago he was biting himself in frustration sometimes. Fast forward to today. He has a multitude of words. They were impressed that he could use past tense correctly, such as went as well as possesive, such as Eli's. He has the hard 'k' sound such as the sound in his sister's name, Skye. He uses 2-3 phrases and has an extended vocabularly, like "trouble". That's one of his new sayings for his sister. "Mackie in trouble". We will work with him to continue to use 2-3 phrases.

Schuyler has completed her cheer club at school with a little preformance yesterday, along with the drama club. It was nice to watch. Mack has pretty much picked up the whole cheers just by watching her big sis! Next week soccer will begin. I'm hoping it warms up as I'm dreading cold games and practices.

Mack has been learning a lot at school. I've noticed her writing A LOT more. She seems to pick things up very quickly. Completely opposite of Schuyler who is very methodical. She's very excited about entering kindergarten in the fall. So much, that she can't wait for kindergarten shots and she does not like shots!

Guess what? I get to be godmother to my niece. I'm so honored!!

Proud cousin!

Followed by proud grandma.

One of Mack b/c she loves the camera and the camera usually loves her back = )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated B-Day Jill! Hope you had a great "date". Great pictures as always. Get us a soccer schedule when you get one.

Love Ya!

Aunt Eileen