Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Mackie-Doo-Roo

Happy 4th bday Mackie-Doo-Roo! We LOVE you! I know so many times when I speak of you, I refer to those challenging qualities. But, those challenging qualities will serve you well someday if we channel them correctly. That, will be up to us, mom and dad, and only time will tell! What are those qualities you wonder? The stubborness you had since the day you were born. Those days when you refused the bottle and would only nurse. I remember last year when you wore underwear, a swimsuit bottom and a skirt. You were bound and determined to wear a swimsuit! You have a flare for drama and a little fire in you. You also have a very kind and sweet side. You are the first to rub my back and take care of me when I don't feel well. You say things like, "I don't want Sadie to get old". You have a love for all things beautiful. Your smile can melt our hearts!

Here is a great quote I found, and how true it is!

"Even though you're not the oldest, Or the youngest, you see, Being in the middle is a really neat place to be! The middle of a sandwich Is the most important part, And in the middle of your body, You will find your heart. The engine in the middle Is what runs a good machine; And our family wouldn't be the same Without you in between."

We our going to take little miss muffet out for dinner tonight. On Sunday, she will have her friend bday party and the family bday party. She took oatmeal applesauce cookies to school to share with her friends. Updates and pics to follow next week=)

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