Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I died my hair!!

Yesterday marked the 30th anniversary of my birth. Mark and I celebrated Monday night with dinner at the Parthenon, an excellent Greek restaurant. This was also this first time we had been away from the kids as a couple since the birth of Eli. The kids helped me make a pineapple-carrot cake, which we enjoyed last night and I must say was delicious! Dad treated me to lunch at a new cafe type restaurant called "The Cup". As a present to myself and a way to mark the event, I died my hair strawberry blonde. I actually did this last week and Papa watched Eli. As seen in the picture above (photo courtesy of Schuyler =), it was pretty red to begin with. But, after several washings, it has tamed down and I am liking it!

For those that don't know, my hubby has began a diet and exercise program. He is down a total of 14 lbs (approx). Way to go Mark!

This past weekend, both girls went down to Missouri to see their cousin Maddy who celebrated her b-day on Sunday. I was a little hesitant to let Mackie go, but she did awesome and both had a wonderful time. It was a little strange having only 1 child. Being the worry wort that I am, I missed them dearly but did manage to enjoy some of the quiet time.

This week is my last week of maternity leave = ( It is a somewhat sad time as both I and the girls will miss our time together. I'm sure it will be a matter of time before we get into a new groove.

Here are pics from the winter times in NE. This week spring is shining through and we have been enjoying the warmer weather outdoors.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the picture is great and I do like your hair! Happy Belated Birthday! (As you know, I am terrible about remembering birthdays).
Love Always,
Aunt Eileen