Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Viola Study

Back in December, after some encouraging words from the staff at her school, we decided to enroll Schuyler in Suzuki viola. Little did we know how passionate she would be for this. To start, they actually practice with a pretend viola. They do this for a variety of reasons... to learn how to respect and handle the instrument (one that I'm sure won't be cheap!), how to properly stand and hold the viola, how to get the basic bow movement down. Let me just say at the ripe age of almost being 4, she know far more than I do about a viola. She knows the strings and ALL of the parts of the viola and bow. So, in a month, we will be renting or purchasing our first 'real' viola. Keep us in mind if you know of one!!

McKenzie wants so much to be a part of this. There are fights over the foot chart (how to properly place your feet when standing and bowing). She is learning the 'pepperoni pizza' rhythm along with her sister. And she cries hysterically when Schuyler and I leave for lessons. Luckily this is only twice a month and Ms. Christy comes to the Montessori weekly since a group of the students take from her. Looks like I need to find an outing for McKenzie and I to do on a monthly basis...Hmmm?

1 comment:

Paul said...

Great photos!