Finally! Good-bye snow and ice. We've enjoyed your time with us making snowmen (or snow-women) and snow angels and the joys of sledding you have provided. But, your beauty is fading as your once white appearance is now gone. We bid you ado until next year = )
The kids have been enjoying getting outside. The bikes, scooters, and rollerblades are coming out of hibernation. Mack came home yesterday with her boots in one bag and snowpants in another. No longer pink but a nice brown/black color. I'm pretty sure she must have jumped in every single puddle she could find. I washed them not once, but twice!! I'm also getting the spring cleaning and decluttering bug, which is a good thing if we ever hope to get our house on the market. Yesterday, I detail cleaned all the bedroom windows... screens, blinds, glass, etc...
Schuyler has been busy delivering girl scout cookies. If you have not received yours, they will be coming. I was so proud of her. She wrote each person a thank you and it was all her idea. I believe it was 26 in total. How sweet and thoughtful she can be = )
This weekend we have a whole lot of nothing planned! No activities, birthday parties, etc... Hmmm, what will we do with our time? I'm thinking it's about time for the xmas lights to come down!!!
Here's some pics...
Defense! Arms out or up, wide stance and eye on the ball. S in warm up guarding her good friend and teammate.
Offense! Square your body and take that shot!
M pretending to be a bride. I'm sorry sweetie, but I'm pretty sure dad said no dating until your 30!
Do you want to come over and detail clean my house too? Taking down X-mas lights will probably take place at our house this weekend too! Great pictures.
Aunt E
I hope you enjoyed your weekend with no scheduled activities!! Glad that the weather is finally getting better. I'm spoiled. There is NO WAY I could live in snow ever again...
Love the Bball action shots :)
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