They would make appearances in all of the rooms in our house... they would come to the bathroom with him, join us for dinner and even get the opportunity to sleep with him. Now Mr. E can be found with a hat pulled over his face pretending to be Spidy, using his fingers with his special noise effect to cast webs. He's even pretended to save one of the girls' dolls. When I picked him up from school yesterday he said, "I'm not Eli, call me Spidy", and the hat went over his face. So, Spidy and I walked out together hand in hand, with him opening the doors for Mack and I. At least he's a gentleman. Okay, maybe he really just enjoys showing us he's big and strong. Either way, I like it = )
Mackie has become a bride. She prances around the house in Schuyler's old white, flower girl dress with the matching white leather shoes and wears a pink-tie tutu that she has concocted to be a veil. She has tried to marry her brother and used to be successful but now Eli has informed her, in his old man voice that we love, that he is too young to get married. Smart boy. My daughter, on the other hand, worries me. She kissed one of her classmates as we were exiting school. We had a little chat when we got home as this is something I certainly don't want to repeat. On a separate note, Miss M had a complete blast with her 2 classmates on her Kindergarten field trip. He dressed up in her bright pink dress, with light pink tights, tall brown boots, and her beautiful hat that my mother made which bore both shades of pink. She even took a little purse for her kleenex. There is no denying she is getting older.
Schuyler is an Olympicaholic. Hockey, skiing, iceskating, sledding and even curling. I don't understand a thing about that event but found myself sucked in trying to figure it out. It is one of the s-l-o-w-e-s-t events! Back to Olympics. One of the positive side benefits is it has sparked an interest of flags. She has been one of those kids who are good at, and take an interest in maps. Well, now she can make another connection with identifying the flag. She has come to me with multiple questions, which I did not know but google always seems to answer! On a not so positive note, she is a remote expert, being able to rewind, record, fast forward, etc...
1 comment:
Such fun stories!! Your kids are getting so darn big! :)
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