Sunday, we discovered a chunk of "unknown" in Mack's hair. We washed and conditioned it and used the detangler with no luck. Next up we tried home remedies including olive oil, peanut butter and ice. Still, the unknown clinged strongly to Mack's hair. I had prepared Mack that we may have to cut it out and in turn, cut her hair shorter. She did not like this idea one bit and it led to drama. "When will my hair be long again? I've never had short hair. How fast will it grow?" and what upset her the most..."I need long hair for my dance recital so I can put it up like all the other girls". Oh dear my Mack, you don't leave a stone unturned to you! The next day, I took her to Haircut (catchy name) and prayed I would get someone that new what the heck they were doing. I talked to the lady and explained what happened all the while Mack sat silently in the chair with a sad expression on her face. Well, it turns out we could avoid the short hair, cut off an inch and do some blending. Oh the smile on Mack's face when she heard the news. And, the avoidance of more drama for mom!! The unknown remained unknown. It could have been something from her princess b-day party on Saturday or her brother has a bad habit of taking the gum out of his mouth and "saving it for later".
I should point out this is my child who has had many hair mishaps. At Christmas, she decided to put her zhu zhu pet in her hair with the feet (wheels) going. Not a good idea and if you read the instructions in full it clearly states not to do this. I can't count the number of times Mack herself or her beloved sister have tried to cut her hair as well. Recall the incident where she gave herself bangs here.
So, here is our trip to Haircut...

Big sister waiting patiently, writing in her journal.

Little brother trying hard to be patient and playing with the salon toys, which have been handled by many other kids and probably never cleaned. I even brought toys, Mater and Lightning. He did attempt to race them through hair droppings but I put the kabosh on that. Yes, he is not sitting in the correct position and those are kid-tatoos on his arms.

On a not so pleasant side note, it appears the cold season has officially hit the Riese household. It started with Eli in the form of a barky cough. He seems to be recovering but the rest of the family is now catching it or some other germ bug. Mark has strep throat and sinus infection. My sleep was interrupted 4 times by the girls last night and my sinuses are draining. Uck! Good thing it's Friday.
So my poor blog has taken the back seat to everything else. And what is that "everything else" you wonder? Really, I'm not too sure myself.
Where did I leave off? Oh yes, Eli's bday. We had a fabulous time at Coco Keys. It started out on a rough note as the kiddie pool was closed b/c someone went #2, the hot tub was temporarily closed and Eli was an 1 1/2 too short for the medium slides, which was a true bummer since they let him go on them in KC! Luckily, they got everything mended and Eli did make it down the medium slides once they had a changing of the guards = ) We spent a good 6 hours there and didn't leave until 8:00 or so. We hadn't ate so on the way home we stopped at El Bee's. This tex-mex place is bueno. Huge portions, wonderful margaritas, and great atmosphere for kids! Back to Eli's bday. We celebrated with family on Sunday. As requested, I managed to free-hand Kung Fu Panda, Po. See below. Not only was the outside frosting green but the cake itself had to be green as well.
The following week I triple whammied my son with appts. Dentist, LPS, and Doctor all on one day. All went well. His teeth are good. Hopefully, next visit he'll allow them to get xrays =) He has been dismissed from working with LPS. When they tested him at the age of 2.11, he tested at a level 3.8. They showed us the bell curve of where he started and where he ended and we are so proud of our little man. The Dr. appt was entertaining as they attempted to test his hearing and eye sight. Instead of cooperating, he thought it much more interesting to play games with the nurse. So, when she asked what the picture was he responded with "I don't know", with HUGE grin on his face. Yes, he was totally playing her. Same thing next picture. It's very obviously a race car. Eli's response, "Ummmm, pencil", again with his mischievous grin and laughter in his voice. You get the picture. Despite this he got a clean bill of health. He measures in at the 90th percentile and weighs in at the 75th percentile. Reminds me a lot of Schuyler.
Schuyler began micro basketball this past Sunday. It is a sight to see. Mark is the coach and he does a great job with the girls, at least from what I saw as I was chasing the other 2 in the adjoining gym.
This week was parent visitation at Mack's dance class. We got a glimpse of the costumes and they are very Cinderella-like so it's right up her ally. They even have flowers they will hold in the dance. She is in combo class and is bit disappointed they aren't doing tap. It will be a ballet performance.
With the ucky weather we have enjoyed games. Monopoly Jr, Sorry, Sequence, Uno, Twister, Mouse Trap, Apples to Apples, and a lot of Mario Cart on the Wii.
Here are a few pics. I didn't sharpen for web so they are a bit on the soft side.
Here is Po.

One of Eli's 3 year portraits.

Mack at dance.

Schuyler, just because =)

It happens every year. My kids become another year older. They don't ask permission to become bigger and brighter, they just do. So long as the world keeps turning and the good lord keeps us together, we will continue to celebrate birthdays and milestones.
Eli got his bday wish, a stay home day with mom. Although, I'm sure we both wish the arctic temperatures would leave already. It was a low key day. He requested Dad's homemade pizza for dinner and a Panda Bear cake (Po, from Kung Fu Panda). The cake is yet to come as we will be celbrating with family on Sunday. I have looked high and low for a Kung Fu Panda cake pan or mold with no luck. I guess this means I will be free handing Po. Eli is the proud owner of a BOYS bike! Yeah! No more riding his sisters' very used, with no tread on the wheels, princess bike. It was used when we got it and has lived a very long life. Long rest the princess bike. Now he will be terrorizing the streets with his blue bike with green wheels. That is, if the snow will ever melt. I'm sure he will be very cool indeed = )
Thoughts on my boy...He loves the movie Kung Fu Panda. He never sleeps without his blue blankie and must find his holes to put his fingers in. He's an "I do it myself" man, even if it means climbing up onto the counter or helping himself to the refridgerator. He can make us laugh with his "serious old man" voice. He's in tune to his feminine side and is okay playing Barbie's and babies with his big sisters. At his ripe old age of 3, he prefers boxer briefs to undies. However, given any opportunity he prefers streaking. Really, you can't turn your back on him. Oh dear, did he give us a good laugh at my bros house on xmas!! The best thing: he loves his momma and is okay with mommy still rocking him, cuddling him, and giving him big bear hugs.
One last thing to leave you with. An excerpt from the Lyrics of Godspeed by the Dixie Chicks. LOVE this song!
"The rocket racer's all tuckered out
Superman's in pajamas on the couch
Goodnight moon, will find the mouse
And I love you
Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams
God bless mommy and match box cars
God bless dad and thanks for the stars
God hears "Amen," wherever we are
And I love you"