Where did I leave off? Oh yes, Eli's bday. We had a fabulous time at Coco Keys. It started out on a rough note as the kiddie pool was closed b/c someone went #2, the hot tub was temporarily closed and Eli was an 1 1/2 too short for the medium slides, which was a true bummer since they let him go on them in KC! Luckily, they got everything mended and Eli did make it down the medium slides once they had a changing of the guards = ) We spent a good 6 hours there and didn't leave until 8:00 or so. We hadn't ate so on the way home we stopped at El Bee's. This tex-mex place is bueno. Huge portions, wonderful margaritas, and great atmosphere for kids! Back to Eli's bday. We celebrated with family on Sunday. As requested, I managed to free-hand Kung Fu Panda, Po. See below. Not only was the outside frosting green but the cake itself had to be green as well.
The following week I triple whammied my son with appts. Dentist, LPS, and Doctor all on one day. All went well. His teeth are good. Hopefully, next visit he'll allow them to get xrays =) He has been dismissed from working with LPS. When they tested him at the age of 2.11, he tested at a level 3.8. They showed us the bell curve of where he started and where he ended and we are so proud of our little man. The Dr. appt was entertaining as they attempted to test his hearing and eye sight. Instead of cooperating, he thought it much more interesting to play games with the nurse. So, when she asked what the picture was he responded with "I don't know", with HUGE grin on his face. Yes, he was totally playing her. Same thing next picture. It's very obviously a race car. Eli's response, "Ummmm, pencil", again with his mischievous grin and laughter in his voice. You get the picture. Despite this he got a clean bill of health. He measures in at the 90th percentile and weighs in at the 75th percentile. Reminds me a lot of Schuyler.
Schuyler began micro basketball this past Sunday. It is a sight to see. Mark is the coach and he does a great job with the girls, at least from what I saw as I was chasing the other 2 in the adjoining gym.
This week was parent visitation at Mack's dance class. We got a glimpse of the costumes and they are very Cinderella-like so it's right up her ally. They even have flowers they will hold in the dance. She is in combo class and is bit disappointed they aren't doing tap. It will be a ballet performance.
With the ucky weather we have enjoyed games. Monopoly Jr, Sorry, Sequence, Uno, Twister, Mouse Trap, Apples to Apples, and a lot of Mario Cart on the Wii.
Here are a few pics. I didn't sharpen for web so they are a bit on the soft side.
Here is Po.
One of Eli's 3 year portraits.
Mack at dance.
Schuyler, just because =)
Jill great blog - you did an awesome job on the cake! Love the picture of Mack.
Aunt E
Busy times! I'm laughing at all the green on the cake! I can't believe the inside was green too. I bet there were lots of colorful lips, tongues and teeth after that :)
Wow, I came across your blog from an email from long ago. So, I decided to check out the site again. It was so fun catching up on the happenings with your family! Your kids are super cute! Its been forever since we've chatted. Hope all is well in Lincoln! Take care and hope to catch up again soon!
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