I'm a big boy now!
Wow! My poor neglected blog. We have been plaqued by colds and sickness, as I'm sure many of you have as well. Eli ran a fever last week from Monday night until Thursday night and then got a rash afterwords. Mark got a case of the stomach flu. Schuyler had what we thought was a UTI but luckily it turned out negative. (I did get the pleasure of sitting with her and Mack for 45 minutes in the bathroom at the Dr.'s office until Schuyler was able to pee in the cup!) My rash/hives that I have had for over a month can now be attributed to something. After an appointment with the allergist yesterday, we have found I'm allergic to mold and dust mite. At this time, I will continue my normal diet and there are no significant changes other than a double dose of Allegra for a weeks time. I'm thankful it's not other food allergens or our dog!!Ready for some big news, well at least for me. This is my last week of being a full-time employee. I have been given approval to go part-time, for now, at least 36 hours per week! Yeah!The Christmas spirit is really hitting me. The tree is up, but no lights or decorations yet. I have a girl's xmas party this weekend and a couples one next week. I have only 1 present purchased so I need to get going!! Here's our little climber in action...
1 comment:
Jill, I am so happy to hear that you are getting to go part-time. How exciting for you. I know what you mean about the Christmas Spirit! It is the best time of the year!
Love Ya.
Aunt Eileen
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