Last Thursday was Schuyler's hearing recheck. Thankfully, she can hear just fine. However, the Dr. did remove a yucky, black, waxy thing from her ear. Could be from the time her friend from school dumped dirt in them when they were playing Dr. Yes, we had a little chat about that! All kids received flu shots. Mackie was the only one with issues. I'm afraid she takes after her mother in this area. Just as the shot was going in, she looked over and instantly freaked out. She moved and I was unable to hold her and the needle got stuck and some of the vacine shot out. Luckily, we got enough in her we didn't have to repeat the process. This is good sense there would have been no hope at least that day.
Monday, I got my flu shot. Why is it the day I get it I always feel yucky. I had to go to bed early. Mackie had her first *injury* at gymnastics. She jammed her fingers and we decided not to finish the class, just as a precaution. She is fine. Then, it was off to conferences. Both girls are doing well. I have mentioned that Schuyler is very into reading. She is also learning about animal classifications. Mackie is creating her sound book.
Tuesday, I had 4 fillings. Yuck! My mouth was numb until about 10:00 at night. Nitrice is such a wonderful thing. I have no doubt that with out it, I would have fainted, maybe even multiple times!
Halloween was great. We had 2 beautiful princesses and one tiger. Mr. Tiger was VERY tired. He made it through the block but fell asleep in route to see relatives.
Thursday was another visit to the Dr. - this time for me. Saturday was the start of an itchy rash. Originally, I thought it would go away. Then, I though possilbe poison oak or poison ivy. But my rash didn't fit the qualifications. So, off to the Dr. I am having an allergic reaction to something I ate or inhaled. Nothing to worry about at this time unless it repeats. I was on an antihistamine but am now on a low dose steroid to kick it in the butt!!
Here are the halloweeners and one of our kindergarten student. One last thing, I got a new wireless mouse and I LOVE it.

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