Well, last Monday it became official, Eli is up and walking. Sometimes he is a bit of a drunken sailor but walking no less. It can be 4-5 steps or 10-12. This little man is obsessed with all balls... golf balls, soccer balls, footballs, squishy balls, etc... It was his first word, clear as day "ball"? He's got dada down but still waiting for mama.
The girls had dentist appts last week. It was Mackie's first. She may have some crowding on her upper teeth that may eventually require ortho work but we'll see how her mouth continues to grow and address that when she's older. Mackie is also a teeth grinder and if you ever sleep next to her it may drive you insane - it does Mark. This is really common for children her age and they can grind very aggressively and still not damage there teeth. So, ear plugs for anyone sleeping next to her = ) Otherwise, healthy teeth and no cavaties for either!
I'm slowly wrapping up photography for the season (with the exception of 2 potential newborns). Still have a lot of proofing to do though!!
Here is my beautiful God child and her twin brother who turned 1 in October...