This weekend we had the immediate the Riese family clan come visit. Uncle Mike, all the cousins, and Gma and Gpa. As you can imagine, it was a chaotic, busy, but fun-filled time. The girls love playing with their older cousins and their were little squables about who would sit next to who = ) We shipped them off one night to sleep at the hotel and kept cousin Ian with us. What a difference it makes when you don't have kids getting you up at 6:00 a.m! Sunday, they got to swim at the hotel and afterwards, most all of us watched the movie Flicka back at our house. Great movie for any horse lovers out there! From the pictures, you can see Eli was loved and in good hands. Also, here is the picture of the Riese kids about a year ago. See how they change compare to the one above.
A big congrats to my Bro and SIL on the purchase of their first home!! You will love having and decorating a place all your own. We can't wait to see it! They don't actually close until Apr 30th and moving day will be shortly after.
Yesterday, I had my 6 week post-partum (sp?) appt. I have the clear to go back to work. It's a good thing I still have 3 1/2 weeks left b/c I'm not ready.
Oh, look for more pics to come. The kids and I went outside on a long walk on Monday as the weather is finally warm enough! Eli had his first outdoor stroller ride and the girls splashed in puddles. Their jeans were soaking when we got home!
1 comment:
Can't wait to see pictures of the "puddle outing"! The kids are so lucky to have such a fun mom!
Love Ya Lots! Aunt Eileen
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