I think the title best sums up the last week and a half since my last post. On that Friday, the 25th, all 3 kids and I went to the library. It takes us so long to load! The stroller, the diaper bag, the library bag, my purse, the kids, and don't forget all the winter gear since we're lucky to make it in the teens here in NE! I thought it would be good to get us some more books, movies, and dvd's for the days the girls are at home with me.
Sunday I ventured out for the first time alone since having Eli. I went to exchange an outfit for him and buy some more nursing bras. Not real exciting but it felt good! We also went over to Papa's. That was Eli's first visit to someone's house.
Wednesday, we stopped in to my work. It was so nice to see adult faces and have adult conversations = )
We are all doing well. I am starting to get a little more sleep. Most nights he will sleep for 3-4 hours. However, we still have a few nights where he wants to nurse every 2 hours. For the most part, he is a content baby and we are thankful for that.
I have failed to mention that Mack started the primary classroom at the beginning of the year. She is adjusting very well. She moved up with 2 of her other buddies, one of them being her "best friend", Shainie, if you have such a thing at the age of 2 1/2.
I am attaching some pics for all of you. I am SOOOO behind! Hope all of you are doing well. We would love to hear from you!
1 comment:
What a beuatiful family girl! Dad looks pretty proud there! Hope to see you soon! Still can't believe you find time to do this and have 3 of them at home most days! You're amazing! GO MOM!
Sarah Radenslaben
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