Well, this is sure to be a lengthy post so I'll try not to bore everyone. Having time off with the girls was fabulous and I spoiled them completely. Everyday we had something "fun" to do. One day it was the park and train rides. The next, a trip to the Omaha Zoo and a dress fitting for Schuyler. The final day, a trip to the Children's Museum and lunch w/ Papa. Yes, I spoiled them rotten = ) Then, if that wasn't enough, the cousin's came to town for the NE game. Schuyler and Mack got to spend quality time w/ Maddy and went to the Sunken Gardens with Grandma during the game and then Maddy spent the night.
Mark enjoyed the NE game with his brother, dad, and Megan and Ian. He finished his golf league with a tournament on Friday. Yeah, this means we'll have daddy around on Monday nights = ) Our garbage disposal needs to be replaced so that is his honey do.
This is the week where we find out what little tadpole is, hopefully. I'm having second thoughts about finding out so we'll see what happens at the appt on Friday. I got to nap with the girls a lot while being at home which was a bonus. I can definitely tell I'm growing as I'm getting the cyatic pain in my back. This is the frustrating part for me. There is so much I want to get accomplished around the house before #3 is born but I'm getting limited in what I can do.
Oh, for those of you who have been asking about baby Ashton, he is home and doing well. He takes 3 or so different medications to help with his medical problems. Otherwise, he is a normal baby who is eating, sleeping, and growing just as he should.
The picture is courtesy of my photo friend. Thanks for the great capture H!!
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