Schuyler had her first dance class last night. In talking with her I think she's going to like it. She said they worked on "spinning" on balancing on their tip toes. She also said she made lots of new friends = ) In August, Schuyler's normal viola teacher gave notice that she took a new job teaching for LPS. She told us only one night before Schuyler's lesson. So while we were happy for her new opportunity, it was hard to explain this to Schuyler who was devastated. Group lessons at the Montessori and individual lessons are resuming with a new teacher. Hopefully, this will go well. In addition, the Montessori has also added French and Spanish lessons which Schuyler will be taking part in on Monday afternoons. She has a lot to look forward to.
I feel bad not mentioning Mack. She is thriving and constantly learning and trying to keep up with big kids as always. She loves being outside and strolling her dolls or giving them rides in the bike, trike, etc... Her latest thing is fastening her own seatbelt and getting herself dressed. Ever since Schuyler learned to buckle her seatbelt, Mack is determined she can do hers by herself. "My job" is a phrase we often hear. This requires a little extra patience and the ability to convince her she did it completely by herself. As far as dressing herself, she really does a great job. Again, a little extra patience and the ability to love mismatched outfits and clothes that may be on inside out or backwards is needed. The positive is it really gives her a sense of pride = )
Brian and Meghan's wedding is this weekend. Look for posts on this next week.
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