I'm happy to report that I passed all 4 blood draws yesterday = ) It was not a fun experience and I hope I never have to do it again. The first draw was okay. The drink contained two times the amount of dextrose as the first and it did not sit well in my stomach. The second draw was okay but the 3rd and 4th were tough. The 3rd one she had to dig for and I was clenching my arm. On the 4th there were no veins left. The lady called in the "expert" and they found a vein lower on my arm. My arms are still sore and some bruises have formed with others still forming. I had a hematoma from the one blood draw (looks like a lump and bruise). I was psychologically exhausted and went to be early.
On a brighter note, I got some updated pics of both girls printed and they make me smile. When I was going through some digital files I came across this one. For some reason I had bypassed it first time round. I look at it and it makes me smile. Then, I think of a little boy sitting with them and it makes me smile even more = ) Hope you find something in life that makes you smile today!