Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Young and in Love!

Look at this wonderful couple. I had the pleasure of taking their engagement shots. They were so great to work with and willing to try different things. This was my first engagement shoot and it is very different from shooting kids and families which is what I'm accustom to. You'll probably see more of them.

The weekend went by fast! The girls and I spent time w/ my photo buddy from Fairbury. Our kids play so well together and it allows us some photo and friend talk time. Despite the terrible heat, we had a great time! Unfortunately, our day together ended when her oldest daughter was stung on the eye. Poor thing! Can't wait to share some of the pictures!

Their is one thing I have noticed about myself when I'm pregnant. Can you guess? It's how easily I cry. I would consider myself a sensitive person but much more when I'm pregnant. Some are tears of job. I don't think I've made it dry eyed through a single church service for a couple of months. Granted, in 1 or 2 of them, nearly the whole congregation was crying. This past Sunday, the kids got up to sing their vacation bible school songs. I was so proud of them. Not just Schuyler, not just my crew kids, I was overwhelmed by all the kids singing their little hearts out and to know that I had some small part in teaching them the songs and motions and about Jesus. Yes, I teared up. I told Mark he needs to permanently carry kleenex is his pocket every Sunday = )

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