That's what I think when I see this pics of Schuyler. Not a normal expression for her at all!
So glad it's Friday! I have a Dr.'s appt today to see how little tadpole and I are doing. I'm hoping they will schedule the ultrasound in a week or so and we can find out if little tadpole is a he or she! I've always preferred to wait and not find out but I'm actually anxious to know.
Sunday, I'll be hosting a wedding shower for my to-be-sister-in-law. I'm making some yummy scones and other treats. Should be fun! Mark's mom and possibly dad are coming in to visit which will be nice since Mark is in a golf tournament on Sunday, too. Mark and I may even sneak out for dinner together! Schuyler has 1 b-day party and another if time permits.
Oh, and the big news around the house is we think Mack is completely potty trained. She has had the potty part down for a while but we've been struggling w/ #2! Wed night she siad she needed to potty then she said poop. Sure enough, she did her job on the big potty!! Thursday we had 2 succesful #2's as well! Yeah!
Okay, one more thing, sorry....it's important. My good friend had a baby last Friday and he is experiencing some heatlh issues. He has VSD, ventricular septicle defect. (I'm not a medical person so I apologize if I misconstrue some facts). Basically, this is a hole in the lower chambers of his heart. This is actually considered his secondary health issue. From my understanding, it will heal himself by the time he is 1. This was discovered when he was 4 days old as well as possilbe lung issues which was discovered at the same time. The Dr. and radiologist have different diagnosis. One believes it is underdeveloped lungs and the other believes it is pnemonia. She is not only our friend, but neighbor, and was also Schuyler's child care provider. She, her husband, and 2 kids, which are friends with ours, and baby, are very near and dear to us. Please keep them in your prayers!
Updates next week = )
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