Friday, May 23, 2008

I don't have an off button!

Is this the PERFECT shirt for Mr. E or what!! And, just look at his eyes and smirk. He's up to something! Thanks Grandma S - it fits him to a "T". If you think about it, there are some good qualities in computers that would be nice to apply to humans. Yes, an off button or power down function would be great for children. More memory! There are times when I need more memory. Wouldn't it be great if you could just go and buy some, or just upgrade! How about back-up capabililities. Oooops I overlaid that piece of information, I'll just go to my back-up copy.

Eli has also been battling a cold and teething. He had watery eyes for a few days followed by some crusty eyes and nose drainage. He is getting the last of his 4 teeth - all at one time! They are the ones inbetween the molars and incisors. The left top one busted through yesterday and there are big red bumps on the other 3 so it's just a matter of time. He has decided to share his crusty eyes with mommy = (

Here's miss Mack! Instead of shin guards, she wears them as knee guards. She is so funny. She really enjoyed the dress rehearsal and watched so well. However, the day of the dance was a different story. She was determined she was going to sit in the front, where we had sat for the dress rehearsal. I tried to explain the facts and concept of assigned seating. I tried bribery. I failed on both accounts. So, we had a gentle reminder from the people that seat you that I would need to take her out if this occurred during the show. Well, duh! I took her out and eventually brought her back in and she had made the decision to sit (in our seats). She also had a historical comment at the end of the first Act. The performers were doing a modern, conceptual dance where music only played for the first half. There were people running around the stage, sleeping people being dragged across the stage... you get the idea. Not your typical dance. Anyhow, Mack says, "What is this? This isn't dance!" Of course Mark chimes in, good question.

And, speaking of dancer, here was a quick shot of her before her class pictures. The recital went well! She gets up there and has this HUGE smile and you can tell she really enjoys it! Schuyler is also very funny! After Idol on Tuesday's, there is a show called Hell's Kitchen. It's a basically a cooking contest and the winner becomes a chef in a new restaurant. Well, I usually am pretty good about turning the TV off after Idol but one day I forgot. I noticed it was on and went to shut it off. Here's what Schuyler said, "Mom, I want to watch Kitchen. It's actually called Hails (Hell's) Kitchen. But, Hails (Hells) a bad word so I just call it Kitchen). I wish I could imitate how she says "hell". She adds a little southern twang to it!

The girls had dentist appts and we are proud to report we have 42 teeth or so and still not a single cavity = ) Schuyler has another loose tooth. Her top one has been ever so slight loose but her bottom incisor is MUCH more loose!

Enjoy the memorial day weekend. Schuyler is having a friend spend the night tonight and Monday Mark and I are playing in a couples' scramble. That will be interesting since I haven't touched a club in forever!


Anonymous said...

Schuyler is growing into quite the "beauty." She reminds me so much of my own precious daughter...I enjoyed the recital very much! Thank you for inviting me. Ihope to see all of you soon.
Cindy A

Jill said...

Thanks Cindy! She is growing much faster than I would like to admit. We hope to see you soon, too!