That's kind of what I feel like... the weather, the house stuff, etc... And, maybe it's not so much "in with the new" but more to do with "out with the old".
Last week we replaced all the carpet on the main floor of our house and the stairway downstairs. The combination of boot camp, moving extremely heavy furniture, and ripping out nasty carpet did me in. I was way tired and sore. However, there were several positives. First, the new carpet is marvelous and makes such a huge difference. I love it (and the smell)! Secondly, the girls went to see their cousins in Missouri and my dad took the 'lil man for the night which gave Mark and I a rare opportunity to go out. Yeah!
Being the 3rd child, E-man is accustom to being around his old sisters. There were moments where he felt lost without them saying things like, "It's taking a long time for them to come home". The other moment was when he had to walk into the Montessori without Mack. It's so weird to think of him being there by himself next year. I know he's ready to make his own path and will embrace new leadership roles but he's still my baby and it's just hard to think about for this emotional mama. He was a bit spoiled by all of us. Papa bought him a new Spiderman puzzle and lunchbox while Mark and I got him a spiderman t-shirt. If that wasn't enough spiderman, the girls brought him a Spiderman toothbrush!
It's been good having our gang back together this week. Schuyler has been on spring break and has been spending time with various people. Prior to the break we had conferences. Her teacher had wonderful things to say about her and we left with our hearts full and feeling grateful to have such a good daughter.
I think we've finally wrapped up summer plans for the kids = ) This will be a huge relief off my plate! We will have a nanny!! Schuyler and I have both met her and the true test will be when she meets the rest of the family this weekend. I'm giddy with the thought of having all 3 of our kids in one place and that place being home!! I'm planning swimming, library trips, visits to the park, etc.. I better not say anything more for fear of jinxing anything!
On a not so pleasant note, the stomach flu attacked E-man Wednesday night. I felt so terrible for him. Bless his heart he didn't get a drop on the new carpet. We went downstairs to sleep on the pull out bed and not so new carpet. It was a rough night followed by a rough Thursay but he appears to be on the mend. I STRONGLY hope it keeps away from the rest of us!! Mark and I were remembering almost a year ago when we had to take Schuyler to ER b/c she was dehydrated. Ugh!
Well, I certainly can't end with that so how about a pic?

Spring is teasing us. It visits for a few days and has now retreated back into hiding. It would REALLY be nice to see the sun. I mean, c'mon, a little vitamin D does the body good. None the less, this weekend, we are heading up to Omaha with some friends and their kiddos and we're going to pretend it's spring at Coco Keys indoor water park.
Wednesday was skate night for Schuyler's elementary school. So, we left the boys at home and us girls went and picked up one of Schuyler's friends and headed for a little skating fun. Can I say it's been a LONG time since I've been on a pair of rollerskates! I was a little rusty at first but it came back pretty quickly. Schuyler, who is wondrous on her rollerblades, brought her friend who had never skated before. This was Mack's 2nd time so needless to say, I had my hands full with the 2 girls. Mack found one of her Montessori buds so that made her day. Schuyler's friend, Miss B, took quite a few falls and had a few tears but kept getting back up. It was a fun time.
Last night we had a naked sous chef in the house. Mack and Eli were helping me peel carrots to make pineapple carrot cake. Can you guess which one was stark naked peeling the carrot at the garbage can? I'm pretty sure that would be a health hazard anywhere else.
Here's our brief glimpse when Spring was here...

Notice anything? That glow would actually be the sun.

Finally! Good-bye snow and ice. We've enjoyed your time with us making snowmen (or snow-women) and snow angels and the joys of sledding you have provided. But, your beauty is fading as your once white appearance is now gone. We bid you ado until next year = )
The kids have been enjoying getting outside. The bikes, scooters, and rollerblades are coming out of hibernation. Mack came home yesterday with her boots in one bag and snowpants in another. No longer pink but a nice brown/black color. I'm pretty sure she must have jumped in every single puddle she could find. I washed them not once, but twice!! I'm also getting the spring cleaning and decluttering bug, which is a good thing if we ever hope to get our house on the market. Yesterday, I detail cleaned all the bedroom windows... screens, blinds, glass, etc...
Schuyler has been busy delivering girl scout cookies. If you have not received yours, they will be coming. I was so proud of her. She wrote each person a thank you and it was all her idea. I believe it was 26 in total. How sweet and thoughtful she can be = )
This weekend we have a whole lot of nothing planned! No activities, birthday parties, etc... Hmmm, what will we do with our time? I'm thinking it's about time for the xmas lights to come down!!!
Here's some pics...
Defense! Arms out or up, wide stance and eye on the ball. S in warm up guarding her good friend and teammate.

Offense! Square your body and take that shot!

M pretending to be a bride. I'm sorry sweetie, but I'm pretty sure dad said no dating until your 30!