Can you find her? This my friends, is what micro soccer looks like. A herd of children trying to get the ball and break free of the mass chaos. Mack's last soccer game was last Sunday. They ended with their only win = ) The score was 3 to 1 and my little Mack scored 2 goals. (Yes, I am, one proud mama)! Oh, she has also decided on Monday it was time for the training wheels on her bicycle to come off! It's a little rough riding but she can occasionally make it from one driveway to the next. Surprisingly, she actually does better on a slight incline. That's my Mack!
There is lots going on with schools. I observed Mack and Eli at the Montessori 2 weeks ago. It was so heart warming to see Mack reading to one of the younger students. Learning to read is such an amazing thing. Eli was busy doing activities... matching physical objects to the flash cards. This was in preparation for their conferences, which was last week. (More on that in a minute). Two Fridays ago, when I picked up the kids, Mack came running up to me and said "Eli's moving to my room on Monday". I looked to one of the teacher's who confirmed this. My baby in the primary classroom!? Really? Is it possible that he's ready but maybe I'm not ready? I have mixed emotions. He was so excited and that excitement continued on his first day and through the week. Back to conferences. Mack was up first. With only 3 kids in kindergarten program, she is getting a lot of one on one and has evolved into a leader. This reaffirms our decision to keep her at the Montesorri. We had to make some sacrifices, like the new house we want. This was her time to step out of the shadows of her older sister. She can be found helping younger kids with work or snacks or reading to them. They great thing about reading to a younger child is there is NO pressure. They don't know if you mess up a word and they don't care if you do. She has completed her first workbook and is already on to the next. As for Eli, he had mastered everything in the toddler room and was becoming frustrated. He wanted and needed more.
Schuyler had her conference on Tuesday. She continues to do well in school but more importantly seems to have a true love of learning. Her teacher had many nice things to say but the one that stands out is about her as a whole. She is a leader, but not the "I'll tell you what to do kind", it's more of a lead by example. He equated it to sports, she knows what the goal of the classroom is and is there to master it and help others along the way.
Here's the saga of sickness. Thursday, after the Montessori conferences, we notice Mack and Eli were warm. Sure enough fevers, Mack low grade but Eli higher. Friday a.m. - Mack is warm but well enough to go to school but Eli is not. Saturday - Eli becomes progressively worse. His cough is now a bark and Mack's fever is going up. We call the Dr. and they say it's flu (possibly H1N1) and to wait it out. Schuyler is sent to Gma and Gpa's in Hastings. Saturday night - Eli sounds like a seal. His fever is 103.6 and the coughing spells are severe. We contemplate taking him to ER. Mark waits for 53 minutes on the line with ask a nurse. We are tired and frustrated. I sleep in regular clothes, prepared to leave at a moment's notice. Eli sleeps on me or next to me. Sunday - we get the kids into the Dr. Without the official swab, he's 95% sure it's H1N1. Eli gets a steroid shot b/c his throat is swollen and restricted. At this point, there is nothing they can do for Mack. Sunday night - repeat of Saturday night but this time it's Mack. Monday - call Dr. and they prescribe liquid steroids for Mack. Monday night - By this time, I am tired and exhausted and would like to sleep in my own bed! I get 2.5 hours of this before Mack is up. I sleep in her bed with her. Then, Eli is up, I sleep with him in the recliner. He's back to sleep and now Mack is up.
On a brighter note - Schuyler had her last soccer game on Saturday. I was solo coach and there were just enough girls to play - no subs. Not ideal! However, it was one of the BEST games. I don't know what the reason - maybe all the hard practice paid off, maybe they were so tired they figured it out they had no choice but to find their teammates - but they were passing. They did some amazing things... dribble down the sideline and center the ball to the middle, score off a corner kick, etc... Schuyler scored one of the most amazing points, the ball was up in the air and to the corner of the net. They played with guts and grit and everything they had. They tied. I was SO proud of them. I was a bit bummed I couldn't take pictures so I hope the hubby got some = )
One more thing. There has been a lot of uncertainty regarding my job. I am fortunate and will keep my job. My duties may change and I'll have a new manager. However, this is not true for everyone. It has been the first time in my life I've seen fellow friends and associates lose their jobs. Deep down I know there is a new journey waiting for them and God has a plan for each of us. I try to find comfort in this but my heart still goes to them during this transitional time. I'm in awe of their optimism.
1 comment:
Sure hope the kiddos are getting better. I know what you mean about the jobs. I'm pretty confident that our jobs are safe, but with upcoming budget cuts, can't be 100% sure. Glad you were able to keep your job.
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