We enjoyed our quick trip down to KC for Nora's baptism over Memorial Day weekend. The kids had a good time at the hotel and pool and enjoyed playing with all the other nieces and nephews (11 kids in all ranging from 8 to 4 months).
This week has been busy with softball practice, Sheridan bike rodeo, field trip for Mack, field day for Schuyler and end of year celebration for the Montessori. Tomorrow, Mark will golf in the a.m. and I will play my first round in the afternoon. Should be an interesting one!!
I can't believe Schuyler is almost done with first grade. Next Thursday is there last day!!
This is what Mark and I spend half our time doing, trying to prevent our son from getting hurt. Why would you climb a wood fence? I understand the chain link fence but seriously? Look at those calf muscles.
OMG Jill, Eli is soooo cute!!! The haircut does make him look a bit older, but seriously, way too cute :)
He looks adorable, a little older, but adorable none the less. He is all boy. Also, the reason you try to climb a wood fence is because it is there. What else would you do. I know it's hard but sometimes we women have to think like a guy!
Looking foward to having everyone over on Saturday.
Love Ya!
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