*she is less reliant on me and more independent
*she grows taller and will soon pass her mother in height
*she looks less like a little kid and more like a big kid
*she astounds me with her knowledge
I still relish the moments she wants held and cuddled, the times she wants to curl up on my lap with a book, the times when she wants to hold my hand as we walk to the car after school, and the times when she just wants "mommy time". I know these moments are becoming more limited with every passing day.
This is her. Her look. Her eyes. I want to permanently implant this picture in my head. We love you birthday girl!
We did the family celebration this weekend. Tonight, just the 5 of us. This weekend, the friend celebration. Schuyler wanted a Lion King cake. This was my most challenging cake ever. I'm just thankful it resemebled a lion. When I first started, it was questionable.
We had conferrences this past week for Eli and Mack. Mack in on the verge of some big things. She has really taken off in the classroom. I had a suspicion this was happening b/c she has been showing me some of her work and has been extremely proud of it. She couldn't wait for us to got to conferences. She spends a lot of her time doing math and sound work. She has also matured quite a bit since last fall.
Eli also continues to make progress. He is the policeman of the toddler room and lets the teacher's now when something is not right. However, there is no one to police him as he still needs reminders to not climb on furniture.
What a great picture. It's hard to believe she is already 7. Where has the time gone. Each new year is more exciting than the last with new adventures and experiences. And yes the day will come when you will not be cool or needed, but then in a few years it will come again. She will surprise you at times when even though you aren't always needed, she will come up to and need you again. Just be patient during those years when mom isn't "cool" any more. You will get through it.
You never know, it may not even happen.
Love Ya!
Aunt Eileen
What a great picture of Schulyer! I can't believe she is 7...wow!! Happy Birthday to your "baby" girl :)
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