I last blogged! Oh my! So much can happen in a day let alone a week!
Rewind back to the weekend before last. Schuyler's soccer game was only slightly better (in terms of play). Once again no subs and it was 26 degrees with a wind chill of 10. I understand soccer is played in less than ideal conditions. I remember the sleet, the rain, the chilly temperatures from the days when I played. But, I was older, like high school. Poor girls! They were troopers. This weekend's game was much better. We say some passing, control of the ball, and a general idea of positions! I worked with Schuyler on how to do a goalie kick and she had a HUGE one in the game. Way past midfield and over everyone's head = ) A final score of 3-2, which is their first win in the rec league = )
Poor Eli got another bruiser. Mack tried to use his face as a soccer ball. Okay, it wasn't that bad but she did kick him in the eye. Apparently, she was kicking a balloon on the ground and Eli went for it. Would you know it happens when I step out of the room for one second to use the bathroom. Seriously, when can a mother pee in peace? The week before we sent Eli to school with a limp. Now we send him with a black and blue eye!
As I have mentioned, Schuyler has been struggling with the whole friend thing, girls being caddy, etc... So, it was the perfect time for her to reunite with her best bud from the Montessori for a playdate. It was so good to see her laughing and having such a good time!
It was a week for playdates b/c Mack had her best friend come over on Friday. I'll try and post pictures later this week b/c those 2 are so cute together!! Nothing but smiles and giggles. Schuyler had her first overnight birthday party as well as her first volleyball game. Schuyler has spent the night with family and once with our neighbor across the street. They had most of the girls in her first grade class. That is one brave (or insane) mom =) I didn't see the volleyball game as I thought it would be a better choise to get the younger two some naps before the easter egg hunt. In Schuyler's words, "It's not really like a vollegball game. I wish it was more sporty!" In her mind, she's ready to go spike the ball. Silly girl!
The Easter Egg Hunt was indoors due to winds. I went with Mack and Eli, which from the sounds of it was the more relaxed egg hunt. Schuyler's group K - 4th grade, sounded very intense with people pushing and leaping over chairs. The 3-4 year olds were supposed to be in a different area than the 2 and under but since there were hardly any 2 and unders, they invited her to join us. (Which is good b/c then I didn't have to send her by herself.) Eli's age is so fun to watch. It's not a contest about how many eggs you can stuff in your basket, but more a curiousity of what are these eggs in what is inside them. Eli would pick one up, open it, examine it and once he figured out it was candy, try and get the wrapper off. I had to encourge him to find more eggs = )
One last word of caution. NEVER stick a 3 inch disk into a regular size disk slot on your computer. Further more, after the realization that you can not get it out, do not stick a regular size disk in with it. Then, both will become stuck!! I'm not going to point fingers at the guilty party since that person already feels bad. I missed my IMac dearly but it is now home, safely and soundly where it should be = )
Back to the basics of capturing my kids...
I LOVE sunflare. Wanted some muted colors with this one.

See, we practice safely at all times by encouraging the kids to where helmuts while swinging = ) Notice the little scrach on his eye!

A little chalk fun!