Where does the time go? Track back a couple of weeks ago to our Santa visit. Mr. Eli who was all talk about going to see Santa would not go near the man. Not even with me. So, he watched as his sister's took turns on Santa's lap. Mack had the cutest little grin on her face but for the life of her could not think of a single thing she wanted. She kept tapping her cheek with her index finger saying "ummm. Ummmmm." It's not often you see the girl speechless! Schuyler had a variety things on her list and wasn't afraid to share. Really, when you think about it, Santa is a double standard. Here we are as parents, warning our children about strangers. Don't talk to strangers, don't take food from strangers, don't go with strangers, etc... But, here, go sit on this white-bearded man's lap and tell him what you want for Christmas, even though he is a complete stranger. It's no wonder kids are hesitant, they're just doing what we tell them =)
Okay, reflections from Christmas. I enjoyed the comfort of Oyster Stew on Xmas Eve at my father's house. I'm also happy to report that both my girls tried some. Mackie drank the broth and did not attempt an oyster. Schuyler, however, attempted to eat the oyster although she made a terrible face and spit it out. She also enjoyed the broth. My kids will eat oyster stew, eventually = ) We ended the night with a few games of Pokino.
I LOVE that my kids are learning to play cards. They also were taught several new games at Aunt Mitch and Uncle Jim's. Schuyler is really into it playing war, memory, go fish, UNO, etc... I think I'll be able to make her into a pitch and cribbage player someday.
Not only did they enjoy cards on the farm, but also 4 wheeler rides and they even hooked up a sled to the 4 wheeler. Eli could be found climbing into the tractor and pretending to drive and jumping in the back of the truck.
Reflections of the kids...
Eli - almost 2, is 100% boy. Nothing is too tall to climb and the greater the challenge, the more likely he is to try. He is beginning potty training and has had nightly successes on the "big" potty. His new favorite toy is a motorcyle, which much to my dismay does not have an off or volume button. He calls it his "vroom, vroom". This is followed closely by his new workbench and 3 drills. I guess a man can never have enough drills! His favorite book is Brown Bear and he still must have his blanket for bed or nap.
Mack - age 4 1/2, is our "girly" girl. She loves all things beautiful. Pink is her favorite color. She loves her American Girl doll, Felicity, and enjoys dressing her in all the new doll clothes she got for xmas. She also is fascinated by Tinkerbell. Mack still speaks some "McKenzism" and we are often humored by her words. She can make her bed beautifully and is surprisingly very good at cleaning up. Her smile can melt us.
Schuyler - age 6 1/2, is our "sporty" girl. She is very gifted at writing stories and illustrating them. On occassion, she can be absentminded, but don't let this fool you. To this day, you can still constantly see those wheels turning, just as she did when she was a child with her serious face. Unfortunately, Santa didn't bring her 2 front teeth for xmas so she is still a toothless wonder. She is ready for sports to begin and has picked her favorite teams for the bowl games.
A couple snap shots from the holidays...

Yes, yes, I know. My very, poor neglected blog. Where have I been you wonder? Xmas shopping, proofing pictures, creating xmas cards, proofing pictures, taking pictures, proofing pictures... you get the picture.
So, I am FINALLY wrapping up all my photography sessions. I have only one left, a sweet newborn =0 That means you'll probably be hearing/seeing more from me.
We started our xmas cookie baking this weekend with some buried cherry chocolate cookies. I had left the room very briefly to use the restroom and return to find Mr. Eli up on the counter eating the marachino cherries, one by one with a little red juice running down his chin. He was on #3 at least and NOT very happy when I took them away. We finished the cookies and used the excees cherry juice for some shirley temple drinks = )
We resumed cookie baking on Monday evening with some sugar cookies. This was my first year with all 3 kids helping. Lets just say we'll be using a different approach next year. I thought it would be fun for the kids to cut out their own cookies. Well, the bickerin first started over who got which cookie cutter (the angel was apparently a hot commodity). I explained you could actually remove the cutter after you had imprinted it on the dough. Well, then they all wanted to stamp in the middle and go all at one time. So, we got a system in place and I thought things would be smooth sailing. Not so, Eli then starts randomly stampting, including places where the girls had already created cutouts. Now there are tears! Eli is removed from the table to do a different activity with dad. Between the girls sneaking cookie dough bites, it goes fairly well. They used 1 3/4 bottles for sprinkles. I'm still not sure how much actually got on the cookies and how much is still on my floor!
The kids had their church xmas program this past Sunday. Our girls are complete hams! Mack was sitting on stage with her legs all crossed. They sang a jump for joy song. They were actually jumping on the risers. Personally, I'm not sure that's the best idea for 3 and 4 year olds but since I'm not the organizer, I'll keep my comments quiet (well, relatively). Schuyler was next to one of her best friends and took any free moment to enthusiastically wave at us in the audience. They did a good job.
On a side note, did you know there is such thing as candy cane milk? Our kids love it. That's usually their night time treat and mine is egg nog with a little holiday cheer = )
We go to visit Santa tomorrow. I'm excited!

"Sanna" is Eli's word for Santa, story to come... We tried to do some xmas shopping on Saturday. We didn't get much accomplished shopping wise with the 3 kids but enjoyed some of the string beans concert at South Pointe. We also ran into Santa and helpers down by the ice cream store, they were waiting for the parade to start. When the kids saw Santa, they stopped dead in their tracks. Santa was really great... asking the kids what they would like, if they were good, etc... Schuyler said Hannah Montana stuff, Mack was lost for words for a change (although it might have been due to the coldness) and Eli, bless his heart, kept saying "Hi Sanna"! I didn't even know he knew who Santa was! When it was time to go, Eli had a few tears. He kept saying "back", meaning he wanted to go back. The whole way home all we heard was "By Sanna".
Eli has learned his animal noises. My favorites are his neigh, meow, and roar! He also has a monkey toy that I'm sure came from a McDonald's happy meal. Anyway, if you shake the monkey, one of his sayings is "A ha!". Eli LOVES to imitate this and it's so very cute.
Schuyler lost yet another tooth last Monday. She just had a dentist appt where they said it would come out in another month or two. Seriously, she plays with her teeth that much! She pulled it out while in bed trying to fall asleep. Both girls came out with sheepish little grins on their face. Schuyler also got her cast of today! Woo hoo! She now has to where a splint for 2 weeks but only when at school and dance. The skin is discolored, which is normal. It still has a slight bend but that will correct itself in a year or so. Schuyler is SO excited to take a normal bath!
I have WAY to many pictures to go through from Thanksgiving but just wanted to share one of my SIL. If you have ever wondered what the pregnancy glow is, well just look below and you will see = ) Isn't she beautiful!