In yoga we are instructed to do an inversion once a day, it's good for your heart. We definitely supported that theory. Here is Schuyler and McKenzie hangin' upside down!
Let's not forget the slides! You can go solo or with some friends = ) The first picture is Schuyler's friend Madysn and the 2nd is Paaka, Schuyler, and McKenzie.
Guess where Eli spent a lot of his time. Mainly the basketball court, although he did enjoy the bounce house, too! Here is the little sport along with Schuyler's friend Alexi.
At home, Mark was being a little silly with his cake. Well, monkey see, monkey do...
Shhh, don't tell my parents about this = )
Schuyler opening her presents and giving her guests a little love...
Our first exposure to High School Musical...
Last, but certainly not least, the prized yellow and red soccer ball cake made by your's truly = )
Whew! Told you there was a lot of pics!
I also need to give shout out to my mother-in-law and my father. Thanks to them, for picking up the kids and taking care of them last Thursday while Mark was out of town so I could attend my first ever photography seminar! I was able to meet up with one of my photofriends, Holly, and I go to meet a new photofriend = )
What great pics. You really captured the good time that everyone had. You are such a talented woman! Photographer, cake decorator, awesome mom,etc., is there anything you can't do?
Love Ya!
Aunt E
Thank you Aunt E. You brought a smile to my face = ) I will admit I don't clean well!
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