A couple of things I have been wanting to blog about. Last week I got to witness a great thing. Schuyler playing Pokino with her great grandma and her papa. It was my grandpa who taught me how to play cards and I have so many wonderful memories of playing with him. It's great to see her in the making of similar memories = )
The second thing I witnessed was something I hope to never see again. As we were at church last week, a man 2 rows back and across the isle grabbed his chest as many other members rushed to him. Mark gave me Eli and he went to assist in getting him to the church lobby. I don't know this man personally other than he is the father to one of the members. I will call her "A". "A" is wonderful woman who is a child care provider for teachers. I remember one Christmas program, probably 2 years ago, where Mack was starting to get restless. "A" was sitting behind us and just took Mack and entertained her. I said she didn't have to but she insisted. I'm afraid this man probably had a heart attack. He was probably there to watch his grandson in the Easter program. I think he is probably okay but it was a terrible thing to witness. It really hit home with me and as tears were rolling down my face I sent a prayer up to God and kissed my little boy. Life truly is fragile.
Lightening things up again, guess who will be Schuyler's assistance soccer coach? That would be me!! Can't wait. Also, 2 weeks ago Schuyler got to go bowling for the first time. She went with her kindergarten class and got her first official spare!!
To everyone out there, hope you have a happy Easter. I had a great e-mail from a friend (H - that's you) on remembering what Easter is about. Not only did Jesus sacrifice for us, but a father sacrificed his son as well.
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