Here are a couple of pics of my beautiful friend and her handsome husband. These 2 are one of the cutest couples. You can tell they are absolutely enthralled with each by their interactions. K - thanks for letting me capture your wedding. Here are a few for you guys to peak at...

I have started spring cleaning. Maybe I'm hoping if I start spring cleaning then spring will come soon! It feels good, almost cleansing! My home is thanking me too. It looks so much better to de-clutter. I got to see my bro this weekend and hang out with him, which was nice. Schuyler even beat him at a game or 2 of bowling on the Wii. I'm telling you, she's quite the little bowler.
Need a laugh, I've got some funny stories. I admit, we have got sucked into the American Idol show and occasionaly watch it. The girls have begun to play American Idol with their dolls and each other. This is what I witnessed the other night: Schuyler, "Okay, Mckenzie, you can pretend to be Anna. You can start singing". McKenzie starts singing some made up song about horses. Schuyler interrupts in the midst of her singing, "Okay, I've heard enough. I like it but the end wasn't very good and it was a little pitchy. But, I think you're good enough to move on". Now, does that sound like anyone to you. Maybe a little Simon Cowell (sp)?
Story #2. Mark flipped the channel to ESPN on Sunday. All of the sudden, "STOP! I like that show. That's what I want to be", says our little Mack! Low and behold, the national cheerleading competition was on. She immediately ran back to her room and grabbed the pom-poms and starting imitating every move. "It has both dance and gymnastics. I NEED to take dance and gymnastics". Much to my dismay, I may have a future cheerleader on my hands!
I have a 2 newborns this weekend. They are cousins. Two sisters each had a child within 1 week of each other. They both had boys and the one is going to Eli's infant only provider.