- Don't even bother dusting. No matter how often you try, there will always be a thin layer of dust, of thick layer depending on the work being done.
- Tiredness for both! Dad for doing the labor and mom for trying to maintain house, entertain kids, break up fights, etc... My next point relates to this.
- The only time you will see your spouse and have time to actually talk it sometime around 11 or midnight when you are both dead dog tired and don't have enough energy to talk.
- Household chores will fall behind. Dishes pile up so just use paper plates! Laundry also falls behind, do enough so people have clean undies.
- Noise will be at an all time loudness at times. Think tile saw, screaming toddler who wants your attention, and two girls cat fighting!
- Leaving the house is mandatory sometimes. It's best, for the workers and the kids = )
- Specifically relating to bathroom, kids do prefer baths to showers. At least ours.
The below picture should some it up. Eli getting bathed in the sink next to a pile of dirty dishes!

All sarcasm aside. It is looking so nice!! And, all in all, it's okay. I think we are hoping to be done on the 13th!
Today was a snow day! We all stayed home in the a.m. and then took Eli to his daycare in the afternoon. The girls and I went sledding. I was a little leary because Mack is a fare weather child. However, today I saw a side I've never seen. She LOVED the snow. When I thought the hill might be to big or she was going too fast, nope. Sheer excitement on her face. Schuyler has always loved sledding so I new she would have a blast. She saw one of her good friends there which made it that much more special. We were there for 2 hrs!!! I think we will sleep well tonight.
Here is a recent one of Eli...

1 comment:
The picture of Eli bathing in the sink is so adorable and hilarious! It made me laugh out loud. Look at those blue eyes!
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