This past weekend spring showed a hint of itself. The kids went wild on Sunday. I think Schuyler went through 2 outfits. Somehow she managed to cake herself with mud = ) Actually, Eli did too! Schuyler tested out the swings, sandbox, bicycle (after I put the chain back on), and of course was rounding up any willing soul to play soccer in our mud-pit of a front yard. (The backyard is even worse). One lady who was walking her dog even made the comment, "She reminds me of myself when I was young. I was always hard on my clothes but I loved to be outside. Still do". Secretly, I love that Schuyler is enjoying soccer and getting so dirty. Even though it irritates Mark who feels like she is ripping up the front yard. The yard will grow back and you can't tell me he didn't rip up his front yard when he was a little boy= ) Eli is perfectly content chasing any type of ball around and splashing in puddles. Once he found them, you couldn't keep the boy away.
Eli had a tough week. He's still working on some teeth. His daycare provider said he was a little unbalanced on Friday. So much so, he fell into a door and got a nice black and blue eye. Then, on Saturday, he woke up with his eyes crusted. He managed to take a spill while trying to climb onto the kitchen table so he added a cut, fat lip to his injuries. Ends up poor boy had a sinus infection. He most likely had pressure from his teeth and pressure from sinuses. No wonder he had balance issues.
In between the catfights, I've been observing some real sweetness between the girls. The other night, I found them cuddled on the couch laying together watching TV. They seriously didn't move for an hour (they were watching a movie). I also saw Schuyler cry for the first time during a movie. She said it was a happy cry. Poor girl gets her sappiness from her mom. It was "Rescue Dog" or something. She wants to buys it= )
Ones last thing on my lengthy post, last week was Parent's night at school. The kids could show parents some of the different work they do during the day. Schuyler is learning multiplication and can add thousands. McKenzie is working on her sound book. Mr. Tim said that Schuyler is extremely hard working and very determined. She doesn't do something b/c a teacher tells her to or b/c other kids other doing it, she does it for herself. That's cool! McKenzie has typically been easily distracted by friends and is very social. She is now starting to dig in the work and is not as distracted by friends. That's cool, too!
Here are 2 recent ones of the girls. The last is from this summer and I game it a vintage feel. I wasn't sure of it at first but it's really growing on me.