Schuyler and I got the stomach flu on Sunday. It was a most unfortunate situation. We had just pulled into Menards and had started to unbuckle the other 2 when Schuyler got sick right in the middle of the van. I had nothing but a blanket to give her to get sick in. I was the unlucky individual who got to clean it up when we got home. So far, the rest of the family has remained unscathed!
Mack is up on her early rise schedule. Today it was 5:00 a.m. Yesterday, it was 6:00 a.m., she comes in, "Mom, I'll go back to bed but I have a question.". I ask, "what's your question?". Her response, "Can Katie come to my birthday party?" Seriously? Her bday is in JUNE!!!
Eli had his 1 year check up and is a healthy boy! He stands at 80-90% for height and is 50% for weight. So, long and lean. His head size is 5%. Where do my kids get such small heads from? Eli's latest mission seems to be climb, climb, and climb some more! He is also infatuated with the vacuum. He tries to vacuum his little basketball hoop. Maybe the child is trying to tell me something!
Here are a couple of xmas shots.
And, just 'cause I can't resist, here is one from a shoot in Dec. I have had the pleasure of shooting this sweet pea since she was in utero! Now, she't the big 1. Maybe we could bring back arranged marriages?
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