Okay, strange title I know. But the kids finished up vacation bible school last week and they were always dancing/jumping to this song. It's kind of Christian rap like! Mack changes up the words to "Jumping in the house with God!" There goal for was 350 kids and they surpassed with 358! You should have heard the worship area when they announced it. It was louder than a high school basketball game! On the final day, they sang all their songs and we watched a video of all the activities. Sunday, they got up on the risers in the worship area and performed. Both girls did fantastic! It was Mackie's first year and I think she was overwhelmed at times. She took Tuesday off to stay home and recoupe. This year's theme was Avalanche Ranch. Sunday was a bittersweet moment as we said goodbye to our Director of Children's ministry. Our children's program is so successful, due in part to her committment and dedication. Oh the bright side, God has answered our calling and has found a fabulous replacement!
Schuyler had her kindergartne appointment last Mon. She is 90% for height and 80% for weight. Can't remember what this corresponds to in inches and pounds? She is tough as nails. The girl didn't even flinch when she had 3 shots and hemoglobin check! Maybe I should take a lesson from her! Her hearing will have to be recheched as she was hearing 10 decibels less in one ear. Dr. thought it may be due to a large chunk of ear wax.
Mark had a golf tourney this weekend so we didn't see much of him. The kids and I had a good time. We went swimming in Gma's pool, even Eli! I even managed to get some much needed cleaning in!
I have a wedding to shoot this Friday for the couple below. Send positive thoughts my way = )