We had a nice 4th. Seems like a long time ago! We enjoyed some swimming at our neighbor’s, Eli and myself included. His first time ever and he had fun! Fireworks were a different story. Schuyler still loves them, especially the yellow “smokies” (translation: smoke bombs). Mack calls them smoke balls and it might be the ONLY firework she enjoys. She held her hands over her ears the whole time. She wouldn’t even take them off for homemade ice cream. I had to feed her the ice cream. We tried some pretty pink earplugs but she kept pulling them out. Eli was not a fan either! They would go off and his little face would scrunch up, the lip would come out and down came the tears. He went to bed around 8:00. I kept Mack out until 10:00 or so but it just wasn’t worth it! I brought her in and she went to bed!
That weekend, the girls went to Hastings to see Mark’s parents. This was a first for them and they kept BUSY. Eli got to be an only child for the weekend!
Last week we resumed swimming lessons. Schuyler is in a class of 4; at least this time there is one other girl! Mack basically enjoyed private lessons on Tuesday b/c there is one other boy and he would not get in the water. He was a little more receptive on Tuesday but it’s just the 2. Eli began veggies on Monday. He’s now had peas, green beans, and carrots and appears to like them all. His favorite is still the rice cereal. He bounces up and down in his high chair. Also, the world is changing for us all as Eli is crawling and becoming very mobile =)
Mack and Eli had Dr. Appts last week, 3 year and 6 month respectively. Eli is 95% for height and 85% for weight. Mack is 50% for both. Can you believe Mack weighs only 10 pounds more than her brother! Both were quite the little show offs. When Dr. asked if he could tripod, I put him down and he sat and then went to his crawl position and off he went! Mack was asked to draw a person among other things. Not only did she draw it, she drew it backwards so it was facing him. LOL! Then, she played little miss shy. She hid behind me when asked to recite the ABC’s, but when he briefly left the room, she was belting them out. He actually heard her 3 doors down. Isn’t she funny =) But, most importantly, they are healthy!
We went to the Farmer’s Market this weekend as a family. It was a warm one but very fun! We got brats, cinnamon rolls, smoothies, kettle corn and homemade root beer. It’s seriously the best!! Unfortunately, they were out of the farm fresh chickens = ( You have to hit that stand early!
Things to come… Eli’s 6-month pics and, hopefully, pics of my bro and SIL puppies. Ernie, the cockapoo, and Sophie, the Weimeranar. In the interim, here’s a beautiful teen from a month or so ago. She is beautiful and it was good practice for seniors!

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