Any fellow Lincolnites here of a van stalled at 48th and O yesterday. That was me! Went to leave work yesterday around 3:30 and the van would not start. Nothing. I was able to get a gentleman from our maintenance dept to jump it for me. Let it run for 4-5 minutes in the parking lot and off I went. Well, I got to 48th and O and it went dead. For those of you not familiar with Lincoln, I work at approx 57th and O, so I didn't make it far. And, these are extremely busy streets. Luckily, I have my cell phone AND it's charged (this is rare for me). A police offer stops to assist. Mark was able to adjust his schedule since I was picking up the girls for Schuyler's dentist appt. Russwood Chrysler has informed us it is the battery only. Yeah!
In spite of all this drama, I was still able to make it to Mother's Night at the Montessori. Both girls had selected work to show me. I was astonished to find out Schuyler can spell!! Pig, pan, and cup! McKenzie can peel and cut a carrot on her own, better known as carrot cutting work! They were so proud to share with their mom. It was a struggle to leave the school.
Schuyler continues to have good teeth. Plenty of spacing and a good bite. I hope she continues to take good care of them.
Does anybody have big mother's day plans? I want to go to TJ Maxx and find a new top and or shirt. Some of my clothes fit and some don't. I know eventually they will all fit again, but until that time, I'm in need of something new.
Here are a few recent snap shots of the kiddos. Mack and Eli hanging out in the backyard and Schuyler in part of her dance costume. Doesn't it look like Eli is pointing at the camera = )

1 comment:
Jill, again great pictures! Glad to hear it was only the battery on the van and nothing major. Thanks again for all your work and making our anniversary such a great event. Hope you had fun. My plans for mother's day is to grill out, have picnic food and relax with family! Hope you have a GREAT DAY! You deserve it. You are such a great mom!
Love Ya!
Aunt Eileen
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