Let's talk bad habits for a few moments, or other irritants. Schuyler has gotten into a terrible habit of chewing her hair. We have been in the process of groing it out now for about 9 months. She has now discovered she can put it in her mouth. Yuck. Her hair is already so fine and fragile that she is bound to get split ends. I'm ready to chop it in the cute little bob but she is insistant that we keep groing it out. Poor girl. She just wants pony tails and braids like the other girls. I feel like I have doomed her to bad hair. Darn DNA!
On another note, daddy returned last Friday and we were all glad to have him home! Sunday was a beautiful day and we managed to get outside. Daddy has a new golf mat so he can "practice" in the backyard. The girls have a new interest in golf and it was so cute to see daddy taking turns teaching his girls' how to swing a club.
Easter has snuck up on me and I'm not ready yet. I hope the Easter bunny finds time to get some stuff for the baskets = )
And, of course, here are some pics. My little E man is getting so big. I keep saying this over and over, but he is such a GOOD baby. He is laughing and giggling so much. I know he is enjoying his daycare b/c he smiles at Linda every morning. Also, some pics of one of my best friend and her twins from the baptism. Reagan is our godchild.

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